PTA: Parent Teacher Association

Welcome to the Saint Nectarios

Greek School PTA

The Saint Nectarios Greek School Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) is a parent-run group that organizes and funds initiatives and enrichment programs for our children at the Saint Nectarios Greek School.


We work closely with Father Odisseys Drossos, the Parish Council, principal, and teachers to sponsor and organize multiple events.  We also support the Church with its annual festival, as well as the Sunday School when needed.  Together, we promote the mission of our school to educate and instruct the Greek language and culture to our children.

Please refer to the Greek School calendar for the 2024/2025 schedule of PTA meetings, fundraisers, and Greek School events.  Follow us on Facebook to also receive reminders and browse our photos. 

To contact the PTA, please email us at

PTA Board

The PTA board consists of 4 officers, each of whom are elected by the PTA members for a two-year term.  The previous PTA President also serves on the board as an Advisor.  The current PTA Board began its 2-year term in July 2024:

President: Maria Halas 

Vice-President:  Tina Michaelidis 

Treasurer: Nicole Murkakos 

Secretary: Sophie Devaney

PTA Board Advisor: Marina Melidonis


The PTA Board is made up of parent volunteers, focused on leading all PTA members to fundraise and organize events in support of the Greek School.


The PTA Board is not involved in determining school policies (such as the school schedule, hours of operations, drop-off/pick-up instructions, and building permissions), developing the curriculum, selecting assignments or poems, or managing student-teacher relations and addressing classroom issues. 


Should a parent or guardian have any questions regarding school policy, curriculum, teachers, or the classroom, please speak directly with the teacher and/or principal. 


 PTA Membership

Please contribute $100.00 per family to the PTA Fund when registering your student(s).  Payments can be made via Venmo (@Saint-Nectarios) or check.  Checks should be made out to the St. Nectarios PTA and given directly to the PTA Treasurer, Maria Michaelidis, or left at the Church’s main office.


In addition to contributing to the PTA Fund, PTA members may participate in a variety of ways – from attending meetings to assisting with school events with donating time, money, and/or goods and services.  We need volunteers throughout the school year to ensure the success of each event and fundraiser so please consider donating your time!


Events and Activities

The PTA hosts multiple fundraisers throughout the year to help sponsor Greek School events, such as the Christmas Pageant, March 25th celebration, Boston March 25th Parade, and school field trip.  The PTA also provides the school supplies and costumes, as well as contribute to needed classroom and technology upgrades. 

In addition to fundraising, the PTA organizes and manages all of the Greek School events, including catering, decorations, gifts, etc. 

Past events and fundraisers have included:


·       Meet and Greet/Open House

·       Christmas Pageant

·       Church Festival Concession Stand and Games

·       Apokriatiko Party

·       OXI Day Celebration

·       Movie Nights

·       Bake Sales

·       March 25th Celebration and Parade

·       Gingerbread House Decorating

·       Field Trip(s)

·       Christmas/Easter Retreats (in partnership with the Sunday School)

·       Graduation and Year End Celebration


Please refer to the Greek School calendar for the 2024/2025 schedule of PTA meetings, fundraisers, and Greek School events. 

Photo Gallery